Our Mission & Values At Luna Brand Management

Luna Brand Management celebrated a very important milestone this year; four years as a growing team and social media marketing force. As we reflect on how fast these years went, and how tremendous 2019 was for us as a team, we are reminded of what brought us together in the first place: a commitment to our mission, vision, and goals.

In four years, we have grown a team of compatible coworkers and teammates, but more than that, we have created a family. Our team does not work alongside each other but in conjunction with one another. None of the successes of the past four years can be attributed to anything other than strong leadership and communication between teammates and friends. No one achieves anything alone, and no team embodies that more than the Luna ladies. John C. Maxwell once said, “the truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement.” Since day one, Luna Brand Management has been focused on collaboration, open communication, and constant improvement.

Though it physically took time to put our thoughts & ideas down on paper, we finally wrote our company’s mission and vision down to guide us through all of our future years in business, and most importantly ground us as we grow larger in size.

Our mission at Luna Brand Management is to help small businesses identify their brand online through a commitment to excellence and ingenuity, and our vision is to maximize the power of social media’s potential by connecting people with small businesses. In providing resources online that educate viewers, we narrate a company’s story to inform, preserve, and showcase their identity, values, and corporate culture for generations. 

As we close out 2019 and look forward to many more years of prosperous teamwork, we continue to dedicate our time, energy, and passion to our core values: camaraderie, ingenuity, collaboration, passion, integrity, quality, leadership, ownership, optimism, and excellence. These values are at the heart of everything we do, whether we’re hiring a new team member, creating a brand website, or designing social media content; decisions, big or small, are made in line with our cultivated values.

The entire Luna team sends thanks to our clients, coworkers, families, and friends for four years of support and inspiration. We commit to continued growth in the coming years, and in that, we couldn’t be more content. 2020 is sure to bring immeasurable growth, new friends, and for one special team member, a new baby!

See you next year.

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